New York Doorman

New York Doorman

What Do NYC Doormen Do? New York doormen are one of those stereotypical characters that you find in almost any New York-inspired film. A New York doorman is precisely that- a doorman to either a hotel or a residential building. There is something very traditional...
Top Tips on Managing Time Effectively

Top Tips on Managing Time Effectively

We all wish we had more than 24 hours in a day to manage our time effectively. Some days feel overwhelming, and you feel like nothing will get done on time. Whether you’re managing the front desk at your building and have deadlines due, but you’re needed elsewhere, or...
The Concierge Life

The Concierge Life

I think it is safe to say that your community or building would not run effectively without your concierge. A concierge ensures that everything is kept in order, that your tenants and guests remain content, and that they have the best possible experience whilst...