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by | Aug 23, 2022

Top Tips on Managing Time Effectively

We all wish we had more than 24 hours in a day to manage our time effectively. Some days feel overwhelming, and you feel like nothing will get done on time. Whether you’re managing the front desk at your building and have deadlines due, but you’re needed elsewhere, or you’re overwhelmed by pressure, these top tips on effectively managing your time will help you claim back those 24 hours. You will spend your days owning your time and be more productive.

How Should I Manage My Time Effectively?

Although this all sounds productive, you may not know where to begin. These top tips on effectively managing your time will turn your life around. You can manage the front desk in your building to the best of your ability, and what’s even better is that you can do so with ease.

Know Where Your Time Goes

To improve your time management skills, you first need to know how you spend your time currently. You need to spend a few days tracking your tasks and how much time you spend on each. Write it down in a notepad and look at it at the end of the week. I guarantee that you will automatically begin to notice where you can make changes and be more productive. For example, you may spend 45 minutes catching up with emails, whereas you could only spend 30 minutes. That’s already 15 minutes saved in your day.

Prioritize Tasks

This may sound repetitive, but it’s a trick that has worked for everyone who has tried it and will do it forever. When you have a list of tasks, it is essential to rate them from most important to least important. This way, you won’t miss any deadlines and will be hitting the targets you have set for yourself. You can also complete your job as a concierge to the best of your ability, which will open up opportunities for you in the future.

Create a To-Do List

You now have a list of tasks you need to complete, ranking them from most important to least important. The logical next step would be to write down a to-do list. Again, you rank each task from most important to least important. This is a great way to stay motivated as you check off assignments completed on your list. It is also a great way to remember what needs to be done and when.

Set a Time Limit For Your Tasks

This is an excellent way to block out distractions and focus on a task, plus it’s a fun way to complete them on time. As you keep doing this, you’ll start noticing how much more productive and efficient you are. All you need to do is choose your task, choose a reasonable amount of time to get it done in, and set your timer. For example, you need to write a report or collate information on how much time employees spend in the building per week. If you know that this usually takes 90 minutes because you get distracted, set a timer for 85 minutes and see if you can beat it. This is a great tool to use in managing your time more effectively.

Plan Your Day

Planning your day and organizing your time is the next best thing to ensure that you manage your time effectively and stay on top of your workload. You could implement this as early as the night before when you tidy up your desk and familiarize the tasks that need to be done the next day. When you get to work the following day, spend 15 minutes creating your to-do list, focusing on 3-4 of the most critical tasks that need to be completed. For example, you need to complete the report mentioned earlier and update the notice board in the lobby for your residents. If the report is due by noon, you should probably focus on completing that first. Going through what your day will look like before you even start is an effective way of managing your time and getting your head around what needs to happen.

Learn to Delegate and to Say No

It is important to remember that you are not solely responsible for ensuring that your building runs smoothly each day. That is why there is a team with you that can help lighten the load. So, if you need to get that report done but know that the noticeboard needs to be updated, you can easily assign the noticeboard task to someone else. Delegate tasks that you don’t physically need to do yourself. You are also allowed to say no professionally to tasks that don’t fall under your job description. Yes, there is a time and place for an ‘all hands-on deck’ approach, but that should only be the case occasionally. If someone asks you to do more than you physically can in a day, say no. You will be more effective in time management and keep yourself from feeling stressed.

Use An Online Calendar

An online calendar is another great trick you can use to manage your time effectively. This is because you can simply access the calendar from various devices. So, if you are out of the office for the day on a training course, you can still update your calendar when needed. Try out these tips and tricks to better manage your time and become an efficient employee. Your building will run smoother than before; the best thing about this is that you will feel less stressed managing it. Your time is precious and is also crucial for a business. When you manage your time effectively, you can give your job the best version of yourself.
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